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Account Linking

Gives the ability to play on the same character from multiple platforms.
Currently works with Steam and Meta.

Prerequisites for both link and unlink

  • Start the game and spawn in your bunker once on Steam.
  • Start the game and spawn in your bunker once on Meta.
  • Both platforms must have same game edition
    • For Founding Fathers, the secondary account is allowed to only have Nuclear Night
    • For Independence Edition, the secondary account is allowed to only have Nuclear Night
  • You must be able to login to both Steam and Meta from your browser.


You will select 1 account as your primary account.

You will temporarily lose access to everything on your secondary accounts:

  • Friend list
  • Bunker and character progress
  • Purchased DLCs like the Taran Tactical JW3
  • Wipe rewards

You can always unlink the accounts in the future to regain access to the secondary account.

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